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ToggleSearch engine optimization has evolved dramatically over the past decade or so, and it has become apparent that some black hat SEO tactics just aren’t as effective as they used to be. A white label SEO agency lists some of the most common bad SEO techniques you should avoid if you want to get the best results from your hard work and improve your rankings over time.

Duplicate Content:
One common black hat technique is creating duplicate content. This is when someone takes content from another website and copies it verbatim on their own site. This is a bad idea for a few reasons. First, it’s plagiarism. Second, search engines can penalize you for having duplicate content on your site. Finally, even if you’re not penalized by search engines, your readers will likely notice the duplicated content and think less of your site.
A better approach to taking advantage of what other people have already written is to find interesting posts that are similar to yours and write short summaries of them with links back to the original articles.
Paid Links:
This is when someone pays another website to link to their site. This might seem like a quick and easy way to get links, but it’s actually a huge violation of Google’s guidelines. Not only will you get penalized by Google, but you could also end up getting banned from their search engine entirely. That’s why we recommend sticking with more natural linking techniques that are less likely to be flagged as spam.
Guest blogging is a great white label SEO technique because it offers your audience an expert opinion on your niche topic, and provides you with quality backlinks. For example, if you’re writing about weight loss then reach out to other fitness bloggers who may want to write a guest post for your blog or vice versa.
Content Cloaking:
Cloaking is the practice of presenting different content or URLs to human users and search engines. When done properly, cloaking can be used to improve your website’s ranking by showing search engines different, more relevant content than what is shown to users. However, cloaking is considered a black hat technique because it can be used to deceive search engines and manipulate their results. If you’re caught cloaking, you could be penalized by Google. Not only will this severely impact your traffic, but it will also damage your site’s reputation as well.
Keyword Stuffing:
This is the act of filling your content with so many keywords that it becomes difficult to read. Not only will this irritate your readers, but it will also get you penalized by Google. So, avoid keyword stuffing at all costs!
Instead, try using white label local SEO tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to find out which words are the most popular in your niche and then sprinkle them into your post naturally. That way, you’ll make sure that your content is readable and rankable for these key phrases.
Comment Spamming:
Comment spamming is when someone posts a lot of comments on various websites with the goal of promoting their own website or product. This is considered spam because the comments are usually irrelevant to the discussion and are only there to promote something. Additionally, comment spamming can be annoying to other users who are trying to have a genuine conversation. If you’re caught comment spamming, you could be banned from the site or have your comments removed.
Rich Snippets Spam:
Rich Snippets are a great way to improve your click-through rate and organic search ranking. However, some black hat SEOs will try to take advantage of this by spamming Rich Snippets with keywords and other irrelevant information. Google has been cracking down on these types of tactics in recent years, so you’re best off using them sparingly and in context.
The idea behind power posting is that by writing many blog posts at once, you’ll receive more backlinks than someone who writes one blog post per week. The problem is that Google may pick up on this strategy and penalize your website for it. Using power posting for links can be risky business and may result in a penalty from the search engine giant. The best white label SEO tip here is to properly schedule your blog posts for good ranks.
Private Blog Networks:
A private blog network (PBN) is a network of websites used to build links to your money site(s) for the purpose of ranking higher in the search engines. PBNs are considered black hat because they go against Google’s guidelines. Even if PBNs can be effective, they are very risky and can get you banned. One way to spot a PBN is if all of the sites in the network have similar WhoIs information. Another red flag is if the sites all have similar design elements or content.
SEO is an important part of any marketing strategy, but that doesn’t mean every tactic you hear about is a good idea to try. If you want to avoid these techniques and make sure that your site doesn’t get penalized, hire a white label digital marketing agency to implement the most effective strategies that align with your goals.